A blog about anything I want. I don't need to explain myself.

Tag: disney


In my last post I used a word in the title.

Weeb: a derogatory term for a non-Japanese person obsessed with Japanese culture.


Also called a weeaboo or wapanese.

I write about anime quite a bit. You know, Japanese cartoons. Some would say I’m a weeb. I wouldn’t, but some would.

A weeb flaunts their infatuation with Japan. I hide it away, never to be revealed in public at the risk of being called a dirty weeb.  

The term “weeb” represents a culture that hates anime and anything Japanese.

Anime is hated so much that it has created a self-deprecating subculture within its fan base. I am part of this self-deprecating subculture. If I overhear someone talk about anime in public, I cringe. I immediately betray them. I almost want to make fun of them, call them a “weeb.”

Because I also hate anime culture. It can be obnoxious and toxic.

Most anime fans will tell you anime is hated because people don’t understand it. I believe anime is hated because its fans have this pretentious opinion. Most anime is trash. Absolute garbage. And I still watch it. I must admit that too. I love it for its trash. Most anime is filed under the category of “guilty pleasure.” Much in the same way people watch ABC’s The Bachelor or CBS’s Big Bang Theory or listens to Nickelback.

(Everyone hates Big Bang Theory. They say it’s not funny and cliché. I understand why, but I still loved the show. Another guilty pleasure of mine.)

(And if it was so bad, why 12 seasons? Bing!)

Most anime is trash. It’s hated because most of its fans can’t admit this. It’s nonsensical and corny. Most of the time anime is full of plot holes and character stereotypes so cliché you’ll want to taste your breakfast a second time.

But every now and then you find a gem. A diamond in the rough. You find something captivating and profound. That’s why I watch it. It surprises me. Anime is built to defy expectations.

I sit through trash to find these hidden gems.

Am I the only one guilty of this? Can you honestly say you have no guilty pleasures?

I watch trash and I have grown to love the trash too.

But I will never call the trash a diamond.

Because it’s not.

Anime is nothing special.

But Disney is special.

Everything Disney makes is special.

They can do no wrong.

Weeb vs. Walt

Here’s a question:

Do you know what the highest grossing media franchise in the world is?


Yeah, the Japanese video game your 8-year old cousin played where he caught weird little creatures and made them fight.

The video game equivalent of a tyrannical zookeeper grossed more than $90 billion.

Yes, you read that correctly. Billion. With a B.

Let’s put that into perspective.

Pokémon has made more money than the Lord of the Rings franchise, the Harry Potter franchise, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise combined.

What is the second highest grossing media franchise?

Hello Kitty.

The Japanese cartoon character of a female bobtail cat living as a perpetual 3rd grader has grossed $86 billion.

Here’s another question:

Why Japan?

Five of the top ten highest grossing media franchises are from Japan.  

Pokémon ($95 billion), Hello Kitty ($86 billion), Apanman ($60 billion), Jump Comics ($40 billion), and Mario ($38 billion).

I believe the answer has to do with Japan’s rapid economic growth after World War II, often referred to as the “Japanese post-war economic miracle.” Despite the nuclear bombardment of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, Japan grew to be the world’s second largest economy in just under 20 years.

This was mostly due to the economic interventionism of the Japanese government and assistance from the U.S. after the war.

Against all odds, Japan in the 1960s grew to be the one of the wealthiest and most cultured countries in the world, second only to the United States.

This economic miracle allowed Japan the cultural proficiency to create five of the top ten wealthiest media franchises.

Although, this pales in comparison to the other five media franchises.

The other five are all owned by one guy

Some guy named Walt.


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